What Patients Say About My Work
Over the years I have treated people with various conditions. Below are what some of my patients have had to say about the treatments they have received.
Relief from Chronic Pain
I am a 43 year old female business owner that had neck, back, and hip problems due to a car accident when I started getting treatment from Dr. Lumiere. Dr. Lumiere has helped heal me through both physical manipulation and energy work. I used to be in constant pain and out of adjustment most of the time, but thanks to Dr. Lumiere I now have little pain and only need to seek treatment once in a while. Dr. Lumiere’s techniques seem a bit non-traditional, but his methods have been very successful. He finds the problem and fixes it! I recommend him to my family and friends.
—W.A., Cameron Park
—W.A., Cameron Park
Relief from Neuropathy and Muscle Paralysis
In November 2001, I experienced Bell’s Palsy and the right side of my face literally dropped! I could not close my right eye, or open my mouth enough to speak clearly. After two years of treatments by Health Associates, my eyelid was nearly back to closing normally, but the eyebrow sagged considerably. In addition I still had some tightness in the corner of the right side of my mouth and a little speech impediment. I also experienced a severe tingling sensation when exposed to cold air.
After consulting you with a serious back muscle problem which you promptly relieved in two treatments (enabling us to take a 4,000 mile trip by car), I asked if you thought you could help with my facial problems. You said you thought you could, and we started acupuncture treatments. The first treatment relieved the tightness around the corner of my mouth. Subsequent treatments have significantly relieved tightness around the corner of the eye and have improved the sagging of the eyebrow. One special session totally relieved the tingling sensation when exposed to cold air.
—W.M., Sacramento
After consulting you with a serious back muscle problem which you promptly relieved in two treatments (enabling us to take a 4,000 mile trip by car), I asked if you thought you could help with my facial problems. You said you thought you could, and we started acupuncture treatments. The first treatment relieved the tightness around the corner of my mouth. Subsequent treatments have significantly relieved tightness around the corner of the eye and have improved the sagging of the eyebrow. One special session totally relieved the tingling sensation when exposed to cold air.
—W.M., Sacramento
Positive results with cosmetic acupuncture
Through the course of ten treatments I received of the Mai Zen cosmetic acupuncture, I have noticed an improved skin tone overall, and a reduction of the fine lines and pores in the upper region of my face around the eyes and cheek bones. In addition, it served as a great reminder that nutrition and the health of my digestive systems are paramount to healthy skin and overall wellness of being. A couple of people who see me regularly commented that I am ‘glowing’.
—P.M., Sacramento
Getting the Right Diagnosis and Relief from Chronic Infection
After many months of “not feeling right” and being told by MD after MD that my issues were related to my Hepatitis C and I was just going to have to “learn to deal with it”, I literally collapsed from extreme fatigue, excessive joint pain throughout my body, and mental fogginess.
I went to see Dr. Lumiere at that time, and we began to work together on relieving my symptoms. When it became clear that there was more to my problem than just my hepatitis C, Dr. Lumiere began “testing” me for a myriad of viruses and parasites, eventually suggesting that I be tested for Lyme disease.
I had the tests performed. I tested positive for both the acute and chronic versions of Lyme disease. It was then that we began to aggressively treat my disease with a combination of antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Mora, as well as acupuncture, herbs, and other of Dr. Lumiere’s advanced and innovative treatment modalities. Within 5 months I was free of symptoms from the Lyme disease, recovered from the antibiotic therapy, and headed back to work after months of leave.
—P.D., Sacramento
I went to see Dr. Lumiere at that time, and we began to work together on relieving my symptoms. When it became clear that there was more to my problem than just my hepatitis C, Dr. Lumiere began “testing” me for a myriad of viruses and parasites, eventually suggesting that I be tested for Lyme disease.
I had the tests performed. I tested positive for both the acute and chronic versions of Lyme disease. It was then that we began to aggressively treat my disease with a combination of antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Mora, as well as acupuncture, herbs, and other of Dr. Lumiere’s advanced and innovative treatment modalities. Within 5 months I was free of symptoms from the Lyme disease, recovered from the antibiotic therapy, and headed back to work after months of leave.
—P.D., Sacramento
New Awareness and Positive Results with Alternative Care
I have tried traditional healthcare over the years. This has included antibiotics, various allergy medications and many blood tests and MRI’s for associated complaints. Regarding taking care of myself: I have learned meditation techniques, that I am responsible for myself only, and that I choose my reactions to circumstances in my fife. I have received positive results from both acupuncture and chiropractic treatments. Dr. Lumiere has assisted me in achieving new awareness regarding cause and effects of events in my life.
—C.H., Cameron Park
—C.H., Cameron Park
Relief for Infant’s 2-month Long Diarrhea
My husband and I would like to thank you so much for your NMT work with our infant son. Since your treatments, we have noticed a big difference in his digestion, a big improvement. He had chronic diarrhea for 2 months, and over the course of his treatments, he has returned to normal. We are very pleased and relieved! We are still working with eliminating some of his specific allergies too, and that is coming along. You have a very kind and patient demeanor with children and we appreciate your work and time with us very much.
—L.G., Sacramento
—L.G., Sacramento
Relief after 7 Steroid Injections and 2 Surgeries
I have suffered from chronic neck and back pain for several years. I have emptied my savings for my share of deductibles, co-pays, and percentages that insurance doesn’t pay etc. for a result that always made me feel worse. I have endured seven cortisone/steroid injections, two neck surgeries, countless chiropractic and physical therapy sessions with negative results. My only temporary relief came from prescription drugs and alcohol. I didn’t feel I could work anymore.
A co-worker told me about his father’s success with acupuncture. I found Dr. Taras Lumiere. Now I am not only functioning, I am significantly better. He has used chiropractic and acupuncture, combined with safe herbal remedies to help me regain my life. These, however are to me Dr. Lumiere’s secondary skills. He has a process that taps into my body that allows my body to strive for healing. I can’t explain it – I just know it works.
I am an old-school athlete. I work in professional baseball and am a “grin and bear it” type that takes a shot and a beer, not the type to explore any alternative methods. Any pain sufferer that meets Dr. Lumiere will find a man that will give you all the time and compassion you need coupled with undeniable skill to help you find health gains you’ve probably given up on.
—P.C., Cleveland
A co-worker told me about his father’s success with acupuncture. I found Dr. Taras Lumiere. Now I am not only functioning, I am significantly better. He has used chiropractic and acupuncture, combined with safe herbal remedies to help me regain my life. These, however are to me Dr. Lumiere’s secondary skills. He has a process that taps into my body that allows my body to strive for healing. I can’t explain it – I just know it works.
I am an old-school athlete. I work in professional baseball and am a “grin and bear it” type that takes a shot and a beer, not the type to explore any alternative methods. Any pain sufferer that meets Dr. Lumiere will find a man that will give you all the time and compassion you need coupled with undeniable skill to help you find health gains you’ve probably given up on.
—P.C., Cleveland
Lines and wrinkles on face decreasing
I am very pleased with my overall experience getting cosmetic acupuncture on my face and neck from Dr. Lumiere. I very much appreciated his thoroughness in dealing with my overall health in revitalizing my skin. After the first of ten treatments, I noticed the lines at the corner of my eyes and lips were already decreasing in size. Each subsequent treatment decreased the wrinkles at the corners of my eyes, around my lips, from the corners of my lips to the chin area, and on my neck. An age spot about 1/4" in size that had been on my cheek for 20 years has now disappeared. My lip on the right side, which was previously sagging, is now filled out. The slight sag under my chin has tightened up. My skin seems to glow, and I have been told that I look ten years younger. I am very much looking forward to continuing the maintenance on this type of cosmetic face-lift over the years. It is empowering to look younger!
—R.L., Folsom
—R.L., Folsom
Training the Immune System to Fight Infection
I am a mid-forties male, who came to Dr. Lumiere about 5 years ago, after a major HMO in town determined they could not bring my immune system back in balance. During my final months of a continual downward spiral using antibiotics and antiviral drugs, they decided to put me on medical disability as they were concerned that these pathogens were taking over my body.
Dr. Lumiere believes in the overall health of an individual, and is willing to dig deep into the body and the spirit to find the visible and hidden blocks that have accumulated over a lifetime of experience. He has taken time away from his standard acupuncture practice to learn many new techniques which (have) played a roll in helping my body reach its natural healed state. It is with great pleasure and success that I recommend Dr. Lumiere to anyone seeking healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Love and light to you and your journey.
—J.B., Sacramento
Healing of pain and grief
There are few people who can tolerate sitting with a person in their pain, and fewer still who do it well. You are such a person. it has validated on a personal level for me that simply being present with a person can be a healing experience. While my heart is still filled with sorrow for this child - and whatever that has touched within me - my soul feels peaceful. It is the first time in many days.
I have learned that sorrow is a precious part of life. You gave me the gift of not only permission, but also acceptance. Your gift of healing allowed me to lose the intolerable heaviness I have been carrying. Thank you.
Relief from Depression, Hip Pain, and Swallowing Problem
I am a 32-year old stay-at-home mom of three young boys and found myself depressed beyond recognition. I sought professional counseling and found it to be comforting, enlightening, and helpful. However, I needed to be on something to stabilize my moods. I was also frustrated with chronic muscle cramping, problems with my swallowing, and a painful hip.
Visiting Dr. Lumiere was the best decisin i could have made. I expected to receive supplements to fix what wan't right from a hormonal perspective to treat my depression, and I had great results. But I also got much more: though his holistic approach, my other physical problems that I mentioned above have subsided. And, most surprisingly, I gained encouragement, strength, and clarity as well as personal empowerment to overcome the things that have been ailing me from an emotional and mental perspective. Dr. Lumiere is in a class of his own.
—L.S., El Dorado Hills
I am a mid-forties male, who came to Dr. Lumiere about 5 years ago, after a major HMO in town determined they could not bring my immune system back in balance. During my final months of a continual downward spiral using antibiotics and antiviral drugs, they decided to put me on medical disability as they were concerned that these pathogens were taking over my body.
Dr. Lumiere believes in the overall health of an individual, and is willing to dig deep into the body and the spirit to find the visible and hidden blocks that have accumulated over a lifetime of experience. He has taken time away from his standard acupuncture practice to learn many new techniques which (have) played a roll in helping my body reach its natural healed state. It is with great pleasure and success that I recommend Dr. Lumiere to anyone seeking healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Love and light to you and your journey.
—J.B., Sacramento
Healing of pain and grief
There are few people who can tolerate sitting with a person in their pain, and fewer still who do it well. You are such a person. it has validated on a personal level for me that simply being present with a person can be a healing experience. While my heart is still filled with sorrow for this child - and whatever that has touched within me - my soul feels peaceful. It is the first time in many days.
I have learned that sorrow is a precious part of life. You gave me the gift of not only permission, but also acceptance. Your gift of healing allowed me to lose the intolerable heaviness I have been carrying. Thank you.
Relief from Depression, Hip Pain, and Swallowing Problem
I am a 32-year old stay-at-home mom of three young boys and found myself depressed beyond recognition. I sought professional counseling and found it to be comforting, enlightening, and helpful. However, I needed to be on something to stabilize my moods. I was also frustrated with chronic muscle cramping, problems with my swallowing, and a painful hip.
Visiting Dr. Lumiere was the best decisin i could have made. I expected to receive supplements to fix what wan't right from a hormonal perspective to treat my depression, and I had great results. But I also got much more: though his holistic approach, my other physical problems that I mentioned above have subsided. And, most surprisingly, I gained encouragement, strength, and clarity as well as personal empowerment to overcome the things that have been ailing me from an emotional and mental perspective. Dr. Lumiere is in a class of his own.
—L.S., El Dorado Hills
A recovery "nothing short of a miracle"
Thirteen years ago I got married, then my health crashed. My team of doctors said they didn’t know why, but until I got cancer they couldn’t help me. I was virtually sent home to die. I had a failing immune system, hypoglycemia, stomach ulcers, cramped muscles and spinal issues. My lymph glands were like swollen golf balls bugging from my throat. But my digestion was the worst. It hurt to eat. I could only absorb liquids through my stomach. My bowel was badly infected. I was starving to death.
We turned to alternative/experimental medicine. We found a holistic doctor (who) advised me to get a food titrater and cold press. I used only organic vegetables to make juice. She diagnosed me as chemically sensitive/environmentally allergic. I couldn’t take prescriptions, eat pesticides, breathe fumes or smoke, etc., or have contact with animals or synthetic fibers. Electrical waves gave me great pain, and newspaper ink almost suffocated me.
We came to realize my detox organs weren’t detoxing. I was dying from the build up of everything toxic I’d been exposed to in my life. This explained why I was chronically ill as a child. At age 20, my tonsils exploded with infection during surgery. At age 21, I had twelve inches cut out of my bowel, which the doctor thought was cancerous. (Everyone on my mother’s side died of cancer.) Four years ago, we thought I was well enough to move for my husband to attend UC Davis. I was beginning to try to digest carbohydrates and proteins.
For the first time I had to wash our laundry in the public washers and dryers. Every variety of laundry chemicals (and more) got into our linens and wardrobes. I was having a relapse. This discovery was huge! We also discovered my mineral imbalance caused me to be allergic to the Davis “hard” water. I began to react to petroleum products everywhere. I couldn’t wear elastic for more than a year. I had to dropout of college. I felt panic and sick all the time. We replaced our clothes and linens. We replaced our car and living room chairs.
Finally I found Dr. Lumiere, acupuncturist, chiropractor, intuitive. He neutralizes allergies, so I could digest and start to heal. He worked on my ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, helping my body to start detoxing. He discovered I’m extremely allergic to benzene, a hidden petroleum by-product. Manufacturers use benzene containing products to disinfect and clean, but aren’t required to list it as an ingredient.
He came to our home (and) tested everything until I had food, soap, and water that weren’t contaminated. After a month or so I was well enough to go to work. I received a worksheet on how to neutralize myself at home. He’s worked on me for about 2 years now. His commitment to helping me recover is nothing short of a loving miracle.
—B.B., Davis
We turned to alternative/experimental medicine. We found a holistic doctor (who) advised me to get a food titrater and cold press. I used only organic vegetables to make juice. She diagnosed me as chemically sensitive/environmentally allergic. I couldn’t take prescriptions, eat pesticides, breathe fumes or smoke, etc., or have contact with animals or synthetic fibers. Electrical waves gave me great pain, and newspaper ink almost suffocated me.
We came to realize my detox organs weren’t detoxing. I was dying from the build up of everything toxic I’d been exposed to in my life. This explained why I was chronically ill as a child. At age 20, my tonsils exploded with infection during surgery. At age 21, I had twelve inches cut out of my bowel, which the doctor thought was cancerous. (Everyone on my mother’s side died of cancer.) Four years ago, we thought I was well enough to move for my husband to attend UC Davis. I was beginning to try to digest carbohydrates and proteins.
For the first time I had to wash our laundry in the public washers and dryers. Every variety of laundry chemicals (and more) got into our linens and wardrobes. I was having a relapse. This discovery was huge! We also discovered my mineral imbalance caused me to be allergic to the Davis “hard” water. I began to react to petroleum products everywhere. I couldn’t wear elastic for more than a year. I had to dropout of college. I felt panic and sick all the time. We replaced our clothes and linens. We replaced our car and living room chairs.
Finally I found Dr. Lumiere, acupuncturist, chiropractor, intuitive. He neutralizes allergies, so I could digest and start to heal. He worked on my ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, helping my body to start detoxing. He discovered I’m extremely allergic to benzene, a hidden petroleum by-product. Manufacturers use benzene containing products to disinfect and clean, but aren’t required to list it as an ingredient.
He came to our home (and) tested everything until I had food, soap, and water that weren’t contaminated. After a month or so I was well enough to go to work. I received a worksheet on how to neutralize myself at home. He’s worked on me for about 2 years now. His commitment to helping me recover is nothing short of a loving miracle.
—B.B., Davis